Connect Apple Health
After connecting Apple Health, activities recorded in Hikingbook will sync to the Health app. Outdoor activities with route data from other apps will be automatically imported through Health into Hikingbook.
Here's how to connect:
- Make sure your iOS app is updated to v17.3 or later.
- Open Hikingbook app, go to "Me" tab, tap the gear icon in the top right to enter "Settings."
Tap "Connect device or Apple Health," select "Health" under "Services," then tap "Connect."
Based on your previous authorization status, you may see a prompt asking you to verify that you've allowed Hikingbook to read "Workouts" and "Workout Routes" in Health. You can check this at: iPhone "Settings" > "Apps" > "Health" > "Data Access & Devices" > "Hikingbook."
You might also see permission requests - please enable all items.
5. After confirming all permissions are enabled, tap "Confirmed."
6. On the success screen, you can choose to sync "only future Health activites" or "all activities from Health."