Step 1: Identify Your Subscription Method
You can currently subscribe through our website or within the App. If you're unsure which method you used, please go to App's Settings (on Me tab) > account setting to check.
Step 2: Cancel Based on Your Subscription Method
1. App Store Subscription
If you subscribed through the iOS App, you'll need to cancel through your iPhone's "Settings". For detailed instructions, please see Apple's guide.
2. Google Play Subscription
If you subscribed through the Android App, you'll need to cancel through your Google Play profile settings. For detailed instructions, please see Google's guide.
3. Website Subscription
If you purchased through our website, please go to App's Settings (on Me tab) > account setting and click the Cancel button. Our customer support team will process your request within three business days and notify you via email once completed.
Please note that after cancellation, you can continue using Hikingbook Pro features until your current membership expires. Additionally, under normal system operations, we cannot refund charges for the current billing period.
After cancellation, if you wish to resubscribe, you can do so through the App or official website.